
The terminal for Kubernetes. kty is the easiest way to access resources such as pods on your cluster - all without kubectl. Once kty is installed on your cluster, ssh gives you a dashboard to interact with the cluster.

You can:

  • Use your Github or Google account to log into the cluster. No more annoying kubectl auth plugins.
  • Get a shell running in pods - just like you would when SSH’n into a host normally.
  • Access the logs for running and exited containers in a pod.
  • Forward traffic from your local machine into the cluster or from the cluster to your local machine.
  • scp or sftp files from pods.
  • Access the cluster from any device that has an SSH client, from phones to embedded devices.

kty is an SSH server written in rust which provides a TUI-based dashboard that maps Kubernetes concepts to SSH. It relies on OpenID providers such as Github or Google to verify your identity. Kubernetes RBAC validates access, just like kubectl does, respecting your organizational policies.


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