BlogWrite Your Next Kubernetes Controller in Rust

Write Your Next Kubernetes Controller in Rust

by Thomas Rampelberg

Whenever it is time to write something that interacts directly with Kubernetes, I have always recommended using golang. Between client-go, controller-runtime and kubebuilder, other languages just haven’t been mature enough to build something comprehensive. When using their bindings, I’d find some functionality that was missing or documentation that was lacking which would end up being a blocker.

When it came time to get started with kty, I wanted to give the rust ecosystem a try. Rust has a mature ecosystem around the pieces that weren’t Kubernetes specific - ssh via russh and TUI functionality via ratatui. That said, interacting with your cluster is the whole point of kty. Would kube-rs be enough, or would I need to use golang purely because I had to interact with the Kubernetes API?


If you’re interested in interacting with Kubernetes outside of the golang ecosystem, kube-rs is fantastic. It has a great API, lots of examples and supports everything that I would have wanted. The best parts of client-go, controller-runtime and kubebuilder are all rolled into one, letting you build on top of the rich Rust ecosystem.

I’ve enjoyed building complex interactions between Kubernetes and kty. My recommendation has shifted from golang to rust for building applications that need to interact with and be aware of Kubernetes. Keep reading to understand a little bit more about the functionality I believe is required and the differences between the languages.

Resource CRUD

Perhaps the most important part of interacting with Kubernetes is the ability to actually, you know, create, read, update and delete resources. Without that, what’s the point?

Most folks get started by working directly with client-go. The API there has always felt a little clunky to me. Because of how it is generated combined with golang’s type system, I always ended up with something that looks a lot like linkerd’s API client. There’s nothing wrong with this, it is just so verbose. Isn’t there a better way? controller-runtime is great! Don’t dismiss it if you’re not explicitly building a controller. It is a better API to work with and you can do everything you need to. Unlike client-go, there’s no need to convert between a type and a specific library path (Pod -> client.CoreV1().Pods("namespace").Get()).

The kube-rs client iterates on the controller-runtime API and makes it a little bit more rust-like. Here’s an example of how you’d use each of these side by side:

pod := &corev1.Pod{}
if err := c.Get(context.Background(), client.ObjectKey{
		Namespace: "namespace",
		Name:      "name",
	}, pod); err != nil {
    return err
let pod = Api::<Pod>::namespaced(client, "namespace").get("name").await?;

For those who aren’t super familiar with rust, the ? operator is a nifty way to allow for error propagation. The .get() method returns a Result<Pod>. This is an enum which is either Ok(pod) or Err(error). ? unpacks the value an immediately returns if there’s an error. You can reduce all the if err != nil boilerplate!

Now, getting resources is great, but that’s something most clients can do. kty needs to do some more esoteric things like stream logs or run commands inside a container. That’s where I’ve become frustrated in the past with other languages, but kube-rs can do it all. If you don’t believe me, check out the comprehensive set of examples that show how you can exercise the API. Getting a log stream is just as easy as getting a pod:

let logs = Api::<Pod>::namespaced(client, "namespace")
    .log_stream("my-container", &LogStreamOptions::default())

Functionality like this has been built on top of Rust’s trait system. Unlike golang’s interfaces, traits can be defined on any type. This provides a whole set of added functionality that is common across all resources. My favorite part is that you can write your own. In kty we have some generic ones to output some YAML:

pub trait Yaml<K>
    K: Resource + Serialize,
    fn to_yaml(&self) -> Result<String>;
impl<K> Yaml<K> for K
    K: Resource + Serialize,
    fn to_yaml(&self) -> Result<String> {

There are also resource specific ones that we’re using to easily format a pod object for display:

pub trait PodExt {
    fn age(&self) -> TimeDelta;
    fn ready(&self) -> String;
    fn restarts(&self) -> String;
    fn status(&self) -> Phase;
    fn containers(&self, filter: Option<String>) -> Vec<Container>;
    fn ip(&self) -> Option<IpAddr>;

Dynamic API

My favorite part of kube-rs is the dynamic API. Sometimes you don’t know what the type will be. For example, imagine that you’re recursing through the OwnerReferences of a resource. Those can be anything, but you need to fetch the reference to see if it has any parents. With the dynamic API and its associated client, you can fetch any resource into a serde_json::Value and then get what you need out of it. These can be parsed into specific types if/when it is needed. This functionality makes it possible for kty to draw the graph of a resource.


The code to fetch generic resources (or DynamicObject) isn’t much different than doing it for a specific resource (or Pod). From an implementation perspective, specific resources simply have the required configuration already associated with themselves.

let resource = Api::namespaced_with(client, "namespace", ApiResource::from_gvk(&group_version_kind))

Reacting to Changes

The backbone of any controller is the ability to watch resources and then react based on that. From the golang world, informers solve this need. They effectively give you a local cache of resources that updates in real time. Controllers need this so that they can implement the loop of a resource changing and then updating state to match that.

For kty, we needed something to keep a list of pods (and other resources) updated in real time. The alternative would be to use polling, which would put undue load on the API server and result in updates taking awhile to show up in the UI. It definitely helps that maintaining the local cache and its updates outside of the main loop makes doing rendering/state management easier.

kube-rs solves the same problem with its reflectors. I appreciate how each piece builds on top of the previous one. None of this is particularly different from the golang world, but it has been implemented with a clean API and really is required to build a controller.

  • A client lets you interact with the API.
  • A watcher provides a stream of events for some resources.
  • A reflectors takes a watcher and uses that to populate a store. That’s the cache containing an up-to-date copy of the resources.
  • A controller is a reflector that will run a handler whenever something changes.

Here’s an example of how these layer together. A deployment client is created and a watcher is attached to that client. The writer returned from the store is attached to the watcher and that whole thing is thrown into a background task.

let api: Api<Deployment> = Api::all(client);
let (reader, writer) = reflector::store();
let watch = reflector(writer, watcher(api, Default::default()))
    .for_each(|r| {
        future::ready(match r {
            Ok(o) => debug!("Saw {} in {}", o.name_any(), o.namespace().unwrap()),
            Err(e) => warn!("watcher error: {e}"),

Managing Memory

On larger clusters, or for controllers that are complex, memory usage becomes a problem. For controllers I’ve written in the past, they’ll always start out with a 1Gi memory limit. That quickly gets raised a couple times as the pod gets OOM killed. There’s a convenient optimization guide that talks about ways to manage your memory usage. I always appreciate when a library talks about some of the tradeoffs you’ll run into when implementing something yourself. It helps me understand the system better, hopefully resulting in increased reliability.

CRD Generation and Management

The last piece of the controller puzzle is the ability to create your own resource definition. After all, we’re trying to add functionality to the cluster that requires some kind of configuration or state. This is where rust really starts shines.

Resources in Kubernetes rely heavily on generated code. Of the ~2100 files in client-go, ~1700 of them were generated with a *-gen tool such as client-gen. That’s 80% of the repo! It is great that the raw resource definitions can be generated from a schema, but this usually results in a complex build and development process. Of course, when working with the core resources, this isn’t a problem. It becomes something to be managed once you want your own resoruce definition.

The tool that does this generation is controller-gen. It looks for specially formatted comments that have been added to structs. These dictate how client code is generated and it looks something like:

// +kubebuilder:object:root=true
// +kubebuilder:subresource:status
type Foo struct {
    metav1.TypeMeta   `json:",inline"`
    metav1.ObjectMeta `json:"metadata,omitempty"`

Rust has a built-in macro system that does the generation for you. When combined with traits, you get something that only generates what’s needed and leaves the rest as shared code. Macros are integrated directly in the compiler, any problems immediately show up in your editor and you can reduce the debugging cycle of “edit” -> “generate” -> “compile” -> “test”. For kube-rs, it’ll take a spec and generate the rest for you:

#[derive(CustomResource, Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize, JsonSchema)]
    group = "",
    version = "v1alpha1",
    kind = "Foo",
pub struct FooSpec {}

Of course, you can only use this from inside of rust. If you want to use your resource in a different language, you can still do the generation step. It is now a release process instead of a local build step.

Perhaps my favorite part, you can even generate the CRD directly from rust! There’s a CustomResourceExt trait which provides .crd(). You can take that and either use it from within your controller. We do this at startup in kty to ensure the definition is correct for the server. We also use serde to serialize to yaml and provide an install command for easily adding kty to your cluster.

What’s Next?

When writing controllers in golang, it is recommended to use kubebuilder. This is create-react-app for Kubernetes. I’ve always felt like everything provided was a little too heavy weight. I would opt into the required tools, controller-runtime, controller-gen and try to avoid the rest.

With kube-rs, I don’t actually need any generation tools. Being able to write it all from “scratch” is a great feeling. I can reason about how the system works a little bit better and have direct control over what’s happening. Check out one of the examples all in less than 100 lines of rust.

Kubernetes needs more controllers! Being able to react to what’s happening in the larger cluster is a powerful tool. Next time you’re thinking of doing something, whether it is a kubectl plugin or a full blown controller, take rust for a spin. It’ll be worth it!